Guten Tag! Hi! Hej! Griasdi! Grüezi wohl! Bonjour! Hola! Ahoj! Ciao!

Welcome to the DATA story LAB!

I am Julia Zukrigl,

  • a behavioral scientist,
  • who became analyst and later a data scientist,
  • who just couldn’t get through to decision-makers, users and stakeholders in many a data project.
  • Then I remembered my origins in the behavioral sciences,
  • applied my knowledge of human decision-making and information behavior to the world of data, combined it with communication tools and packed it into a method case.

 Since then, my colleagues and I have been successful with decision-makers, customers and users. At some point, what we do was called data storytelling. And here I am, sharing this toolbox with you and your team.

The DATA story LAB is the place where data stories are created. This is where data experts from analytics, data science, AI, BI and controlling make brain-friendly data communication second nature. Come on in!

We offer (1) communication training for data experts and (2) change consulting for the roll-out of data and AI initiatives in companies.

I am looking forward to working with you and your team on your winning data stories.


Find me on Linkedin! I am a Linkedin TopVoice on Data Storytelling and post there on a regular basis:

Let's TALK!

 You want to exchange ideas about taking humans on the journey to AI or developing data-driven organizations? Or you need answers to specific questions? Then let’s have a virtual coffee! I am looking forward to meeting you!

Hear me sharing my thoughts on data & AI communication in these German speaking podcasts on Spotify:

Just wanna follow-up on our recent encounter? Drop me some lines! Looking forward to reading from you!

2 + 3 =

Looking forward to your message!

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